Hello from Skyliner Country!

By JoeRoss , 17 September, 2002

Things have been fun over here. We've been scouting around for new areas to go. Some of these places have been interesting and fun spots. Last month we found a spot that offered a great trail ride to get to this one area, then it was a heavenly delight! you had a good hill climb, some rough roads, and places to play some 4X4 games. Then, to top it off, there was a big mud hole to play in. For added beauty, there was a creek just beyond the trees that was a back drop for our pot luck lunch. One drawback, it takes about one hour of highway driving to get there.

We would like to welcome a couple of new members to our club, Charles and Dee Adams.

By the time this comes out, the Skyliners will have gone on the last of the summer wheeling and camping trips for this year. We're going to Hubbard Lake. Great things are planned. I'll tell more next time.

We had a few Skyliners, Troy Hansen, Albert Drebes, Preston Johnson, and Dick Reibe do some racing at the $10,000 Silver Dollar Bar on August 17th, and at the Polson mud bog on August 24th. Everyone did some winning. Great job guys!

Well, I hope to see you at the October delegates meeting in Clancy.

Take care and keep the 4 wheels a running!

Mickie Sec./RVP