_TPRegion 5 RVP Report

By MichelleD , 15 October, 2002

_TPWinter is quickly approaching and so are the prime four wheeling days._TPWe had a run to Hogback on September 22nd. Don and Kathy Gordon in "Fun 4x4", Tom and I in my Scout "Oscar" (it was the first trip for my Scout), and Doug and Janet Herold in their Bronco. It was a beautiful day for an easy drive. Nothing was broken on any of the rigs.

It was great seeing everyone at the Delegates meeting, especially some of our newer members.

Congratulations to Frontier Member Tom Mandera on his Top-5 nomination for
United FourWheeler of the Year. Congratulations to Ann Lambert for her
Top-5 nomination for the United Conservation Award.

We volunteered to host the M4X4A Winter Baja in Cascade on February 8th, 2003 with some help from the Cascade County 4-Wheelers. We'll plan on having two classes - non-reservoir and reservoir shocks, and a jackpot for anyone left running. $25 entry, 60/40 payback and racing will start at noon, please be prepared to show your Montana 4X4 race card at registration. The Delegates meeting will follow on Sunday, February 9th in Helena. The meeting will more than likely be held at the Lewis & Clark County Library downtown, but they won't let us reserve the room more than three months in advance.

We enjoyed another run on October 12th with the Bozeman Mountaineers up to McKelvey Lake near Ennis. We met in Norris around 10:00 a.m. Don and Kathy Gordon, Doug and Doug Misko, and Tom and I were in attendance from the Frontier 4-Wheelers. Everyone had a great time despite some chilly temperatures and a late return back to town. Gordon's broke the 31 spline rear axle shaft while Tom only plugged up a fuel filter on the way down in the tow rig and Misko's chewed up their aluminum rims.

We don't have another run scheduled for this month. We will probably have one in November, please check out the M4X4A.ORG web site for up to date information or contact me at dukleth@tmcom.com. Pictures from the last two runs and the Delegates meeting have already been posted.

Our annual Christmas Tree Run will be December 7th. Everyone is welcome to join us - this is a family event for everyone to snag their Christmas tree. We will meet at County Market on Montana Avenue in Helena at 9:00 a.m. The more the merrier!

Hope everyone has a great winter break and hope to see you all in the new year!

Michelle D.