Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Plan

By tsm1 , 21 October, 2002

From: "Reuben Gosewisch"
Subject: Urgent request for assistance. Comments Needed by Oct. 31, 2002
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 22:05:45 -0500

Hello Everyone,

I am requesting assistance for comments in response to the
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Plan. The Midwest 4 Wheel Drive
Association and Wisconsin 4 Wheel Drive Association need your help getting
the word out about this plan, and need everyone to write a letter in
support of maintaining all existing access to public lands and designate
additional trails for four wheel drive use. These comments and letters need
to be sent to the Park Falls Supervisors Office by October 31st, 2002.
We have included an example letter including the mailing address for Bill
Sullivan at the Park Falls Supervisors Office. Feel free to add you own
personal comments to the letter as you see fit.

For more information on the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Plan, please

Thanks for your help.

Reuben Gosewisch
MW4WDA Webmaster
Midwestern 4-Wheeler Editor

October 19, 2002

1170 4 AVE SOUTH

Dear Bill Sullivan:

This letter is in response to the September 2002 Chequamegon-Nicolet
National Forest Planning News regarding Four Wheel Drive (4WD) trail use and
also the Road Analysis.

Access to National Forests promotes good, wholesome recreational activities
for all citizens including families, the elderly and those physically
challenged. Any actions such as reduced funding, limited access or road
closures would restrict these activities for the taxpaying public.

In addition to the benefits supplied to the above mentioned individuals,
continued access to National Forest lands via existing roads/trails provide
enormous social and economic enhancements to townships, counties, and many

Therefore, I strongly urge you to maintain accessibility to ALL roads/trails
no matter what level of road/trail it is. The level of roads that you
believe cannot be maintained must be left open. The lower classified roads
would not need to be maintained but could be accessed by public motorized

In regard to your consideration of trails for Four Wheel Drive (4WD) vehicle
's I find the ONLY realistic alternative listed is the one "to maintain the
existing 25 miles trail and designate an additional 25 miles in length." I
find this to be the most acceptable of the three, but question the mileage
limitation when I see the ever expanding usage of the Pipeline.

In closing, due to the continual growth of 4WD users who seek challenging
opportunities and access to lower standard roads, please take into
consideration my opinions and recommendations.


John Stewart
Director, Environmental Affairs, UFWDA,
Recreation Access and Conservation Editor,
Webmaster, Tierra del Sol 4x4:
Webmaster, Jeep-L: