_TPRegion 5 January 2003 RVP Report

By MichelleD , 16 January, 2003

_TPHappy New Year M4X4A!

We had a large turnout for our annual Christmas Tree run on December 7th. Many thanks to Dennis LaTulip and Loretta Kelly for providing yummy chili and to everyone else who graciously shared their treats. Our Christmas party on December 13th was also a huge success. Thanks to the Burnside's for opening up their home for the party and to Dennis LaTulip for cooking the meat. Great food, conversation and laughter.

(Pictures - Tree Run and Christmas Party)_TPWe've been pretty busy during the last few months planning the M4x4A Winter Baja set to be held near Cascade on Saturday, February 8, 2003. Racing will start at noon. Cost is $7.00 for spectators and $25 entry for each race (with your State Race Card). Come prepared to have some fun and pray for lots of snow! We will be setting up the course on February 1st. Contact Tom (449-2702 tsm1@tmcom.com) if you need more information.

The February Delegates meeting will be on Sunday, February 9th at Mountain West Bank in Helena - 2021 North Montana Avenue in the basement at 10:00 a.m. This is near the intersection of Montana and Cedar Street. Treats will be provided.

We had new election of officers in January with the following results:

President - Tom Mandera
Vice-President - Don Gordon
Secretary - Carey Burnside
Treasurer - Allison LaTulip

We had our January trail ride on January 12th. Doug Misko was the trail boss for the run up to Tizer Lake.

See everyone at the delegate's meeting on February 9th!
Michelle Dukleth, RVP