New Leadership Correspondence Course for Recreationists

By tsm1 , 15 September, 2003

I am tired of seeing recreationists trying to organize and lead projects while having little or no training on how to do it. I am tired of seeing volunteers burn out and leave the cause because of huge amounts of energy invested on their part, with little or no return. I am tired of seeing the same three or four people in a club doing all the work, year after year, until they finally fizzle out. I've decided to do something about it on a national level.

I am pleased to announce the release of my new correspondence course entitled Recreational Leadership Training Course (RLTC). You will not find anything else like available today to help develop your leadership skills for recreational projects, events, cleanups, and meetings. It's all about sharing with you the secrets to leading volunteers to victory!

I have developed this 10 module correspondence course that teaches you the tips and tricks of being a leader of volunteers, especially on trail projects and recreational events such as conferences and meetings. It is never easy being a *boss*, but RLTC will give you the tools and tips you need to inspire, motivate and lead volunteers to success. It goes beyond basic supervision. It teaches you how to delve into the intricacies of human interaction and how it applies to a trail project or conference planning meeting.

Based on my 35 years of supervision and management experience and research, RLTC incorporates the nitty-gritty of being a good leader. I have included some techniques based on military experience as well as 26 years in the fire service. Further, I've included my 22 years experience in land use and access efforts, working with volunteers.

This course is designed to help you :

* Make better use of the precious time that volunteers give.
* Plan and organize with a standardized recreation management system (the Recreational Incident Command System, RICS, as developed by Del Albright -- read about RICS at

* Give volunteers a sense of contributing.
* Lead and inspire volunteers to action.
* Become an overall better boss.
* Get more bang for your volunteer buck.
* Inspire volunteers to want to do more.

RLTC includes 10 modules of subjects ranging from Basic Supervision to Visualization and Planning, to Communication Skills, to Safety, to Setting Expectations and Objectives, to Meeting Management and Facilitation. Each module is emailed to you (attached as a .pdf or WORD document).

A quiz must be completed at the end of each module before moving to the next. There are no time limits or deadlines. You work at your own pace. You will receive a Certificate of Completion from me at the end of the course (pass/fail basis).

I guarantee that you learn a lot from this course, and will find nothing else like this available to recreationists. I have invested a lot of time and effort over several years perfecting this course, combining my land use experience, with my professional management experience. Enrollment in the course is $150. This course is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by any of the organizations I represent or work for such as the BlueRibbon Coalition. I developed this course under my personal business, Albright Enterprises.

You can read more about the course (and sign up) at