
Magic City Fourwheelers Announcements

By Bill , 15 April, 2003

Hello all
Trail rides are set for April 13th and 26th.
The destination for the trips is a mistery but they are meeting at BK in Laurel at 7:30 and Leaving at 8:00.
I will not be able to go on the 13th but probably the 26th.
PS... Just spent a week in MOAB and had an absolute blast. Hopefully a couple of people I was with will post some pictures.

By Bill , 11 March, 2003

Hi All long time no update.(sorry)
We are having 2 trail rides this month.

On the 15th of Mar we are meeting at Laurel BK at 7:30 am and Leaving at 8:00 am. That trip will be to the Priors and we are meeting some people from Powell in Bridger.

The 2nd trip is on sunday the 23rd. We'll meet and leave at the same place in Laurel. Destination to be determined that morning.

These are Family oriented trail rides and guests are Welcome...


By Bill , 14 January, 2002

Trail Ride planned for the 27th of Jan.
Meeting in Laurel at Jans 0800.
Leaving at 0830.
Tentative snow run in the priors.