
Montana 4wd Association Announcements

By tsm1 , 22 February, 2011

Nominations for 4-Wheeler of the Year, Junior 4-Wheeler of the Year and the John Hazard Memorial

Award (for conservation) are due by March 1. At last year's convention we only recognized the 2009 4-

Wheeler of the Year, because no other nominations were received. Please take this opportunity to

recognize and honor your fellow 4-wheel drive members! Your nominations need to be sent to:

4-Wheeler of the Year – mail nominations to the following three past recipients:

• Shirleen Wheeler, 2900 3rd Ave. S., Great Falls, MT 59405

The current Bylaws of the Montana 4x4 Association.

By mh , 3 September, 2010

Hi Folks,

As you’ve all probably already noticed, there has been a shortage of 4XForums in your mailbox this year. This is a direct result of my severe case of “too-much-on-my-plate-itis”.

Some major changes to my life over the last 6 months including a new venture in my business and newly acquired acreage for which to care, have dramatically affected my available free time that was previously used for 4XForum production. And the best news of all: Dawn and I are expecting our first baby in March so my already inadequate available time for 4XForum production will completely dry up.

So with all that said, I regret to inform the membership that I will be respectfully resigning my post as 4XForum editor after this issue. I feel that I have done the organization a disservice this summer by not having time to work on the Forums and getting them out to you in a timely fashion, and I don’t foresee any opportunity to regain the free time that I used to spend on this publicaiton.

I have enjoyed working with all of the people who have contributed to the 4XForum over the last nearly three years.

I sincerely hope that somebody in this fine organization can step up and pick up where I left off. I have digital archives of all of the previous issues since I took over.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the communication within the organization.

And, here is the belated "Summer" issue of the 4XForum.

Mike Hines Jr.,
Outgoing 4XForum Editor

By tsm1 , 28 April, 2010

For Information Contact:
Tom Mandera

For Immediate Release


BILLINGS, April 24th, 2010 --- The Montana 4x4 Association (M4x4A) held their 36th Annual Convention in Billings Montana. During the annual meeting the 2010 officers were elected. President Tom Mandera of Helena was retained for his 6th term, and Vice President Don Apker was retained for his 3rd term. Secretary Stacey Osborne was installed, along with Treasurer Dawn Hines. All officers were elected or retained through unanimous acclaim.

Past Secretary Shirleen Wheeler was awarded the M4x4A Outstanding Four Wheeler of the Year award for a second time.

The Montana 4x4 Association has member clubs throughout Montana comprising over two hundred family memberships. M4x4A members have been promoting responsible family recreation, cooperation and coexistence with other users, forest conservation, and motorized competition, while championing Montanans’ rights to access their public lands since 1974. For more information on the Montana 4x4 Association visit www.m4x4a.org.


By tsm1 , 9 February, 2010

April 24th, in Billings

By tsm1 , 18 November, 2009

During our last Delegates meeting we discussed Divide Ride 2010 in the Boulder area, and Don Apker and I spoke a bit more and I happened to mention that we would have good "2 meter radio coverage" for the area thanks to a repeater on Boulder Hill and other resources. As many of you know, I picked up a new hobby a year ago by becoming a licensed ham radio operator. Don expressed some interest in what advantages ham licenses could be for all of us, and what steps are involved. So, here's my attempt.

By tsm1 , 21 September, 2009

Uncle Vic Eklund passed away on Saturday, 9/19/2009 at the age of 82.


Saturday Sept. 19th we lost an Icon in the 4X4 comunity. Uncle Vic Ekland passed away.
A memorial service is set for Sunday Oct. 4th at Lakeside Comunity Chapel in Lakeside Montana.
For the full obituary go to the Daily Interlake Web site.
Uncle Vic was a lifw Member of the Skyliners and will truly be missed