By tsm1 , 28 July, 2006

Bill Pries, 39, of Bozeman, passed away on Tuesday night.

A viewing and family greeting will be on Sunday, July 30 from 4-7PM at Dokken-Nelson funeral home in Bozeman with graveside service at 10 AM Monday, July 31 at the Salesville Cemetary in Gallatin Gateway.

By mh , 27 June, 2006

We will be camping at the Hicks Park Campground south of Big Timber and McLeod. We're leaving Friday 6/30 after work and staying through Sunday, and some possibly through the 4th.

Contact myself 672-5519 or Mark at 248-9170 with questions.

By tsm1 , 20 June, 2006

The USFS Region 1
Proposed Land Management Plan for the Bitterroot, Flathead, and Lolo National Forests is up for public comment. Public comment period closes August 7, 2006. We've got a busy month coming up.

Please help western Montana wheelers maintain and improve our recreational access!!

The Bitterroot, Lolo, and Flathead National Forests are revising their land management plans to reflect new scientific information as well as natural and social changes that have accumulated since the original plans were prepared, in the 1980s.

By mh , 8 June, 2006

Meeting called to order 6:30pm by Mark Kary
Secretary’s report:
Carol makes a motion to accept the minutes from May as printed on the agenda, Jeanne seconds, motion carries.
Treasurers Report
Treasurer’s report was passed around
VP Report,
We received thank you letters from the donations to Les’s brother’s memorial
Steve didn’t work out as RVP, Aaron nominated Les again, Carol seconded, motion carries. Les will be our interim RVP until further discussion can be had.
Trailmaster’s Report:
May rides:
- Bill Springer went to Goose Lake on June 4, ended up by himself. Didn’t have to winch though and had a great time.
- The Hines’ went to Philipsburg and joined the Skyliners over Memorial Day. The weather was really cold & rainy, but the trails were beautiful.
- Aaron and 2 others went 5/10-11 near Lovell WY after a wrong turn in the Pryors, and rode/camped in the Pryors for 2 days.
- Carol & Lloyd went to Wisconson at a Private off road park over Memorial wknd.
- Bill & Jeff & the McCabes went to Moab over the week before Memorial Day, there was a little damage but all had fun.
New Rides:
Conservation on June 10 & 11 to Benbow
June 30 – July 2 – Indepenence.
Conservation Report:
- Tom says to make sure you have your axe, shovel and a bucket or implement to carry at least 1 gallon of water in your rig. This is a FS requirement.
- Leaving camp around 10am to go to the trail, this way people who are coming down Saturday morning have time to get there.
Delegate’s Report
- Harold Brown, the founder of m4x4a passed away at the age of 92.
- Next delegate’s meeting July 16 after Divide Ride in Leadore, ID
- June 17th is a work day, work starts at 8, but you can show up at any time. Moving bleachers stretching orange fence, obstacle course set up for side-by-side, etc.
- GM Petroleum is donating $500 cash and $500 in gas (which we’ll raffle off) at Conomart C Stores
- Ads are running a few radio stations, we’re getting a good deal on the advertising
- Tint Factory donated $1000 towards more radio advertising
- InXterior is donating $250
- Willard’s donating a spray-in bedliner
- ProTech auto is going to donate at least $250
If you want to help out at the Rally, Show up to work on both days at 7am. We need as much help as possible, so please try to show up.
- Vote against Tester- he’s against motorized access
New Business:
- Bill motions to join blue ribbon for 1 year and send $100, mike seconds, motion carries.
- Bill mentioned that next Tuesday evening about a barbeque with some big names in the 4wd industry, and the club would provide the food & sodas for the bbq for less than 100 people (club members only…$300). Aaron motioned that we supply the bbq, Brian seconds… discussion commenced. Motion carries. Call Carol or Lloyd for directions
- Monday the 19th, Kennel club requested Lloyd & Vern to park cars for $400.
- Carol motions to meet on the 10th for July, Mike seconds, Next meeting on the 10th at Dos Machos at 6:30
- August meeting may be at the Elks, discussion will continue at the July meeting
Continuing Business:
Bylaw changes: changing wording of winch fund:
- Carol makes a motion to accept, Bill seconds - Motion carries.
Bylaw change: changing when Dues are due to January:
- Vern makes a motion to accept, Aaron seconds, motion carries. Dues will now be due in January starting in 2007
Bylaw change: changing nominations to Nov & Dec and holding elections at the January meeting:
- Aaron makes a motion to accept, Vern seconds, motion carries
An updated copy of the bylaws will be available at the July meeting. If you aren’t present, one will be mailed to you with July’s minutes.
- Jacket orders for by Divide ride has to be tonight, You can still order in July or August they just wont’ be in by DR06. Contact Stacey Osborne with any orders or questions.
Mike makes a motion to adjourn, Jeanne seconds, motion caries
Adjouned at 7:40pm
Next Meeting: July 10 at 6:30 PM at Dos Machos

By tsm1 , 22 May, 2006

May 27 & 28th $5 gate charge kids under 10 and racedrivers free

Cascade, Montana.

$40 per driver per event

Concessions by the Boys and Girls Club

Saturdya, May 27th Obstacle & Baja, Registration 9-11am RACING STARTS AT NOON

Sunday, May 28th Side by Side Mud drag, and Mud bog, Registration 8-10am RACING STARTS at 11 AM

For more info call 965 - 3337 or email KG at

By tsm1 , 9 May, 2006

Test your rig at the Bozeman Mountaineer's Annual Top Truck Challenge.

The Events are a rock crawl, Frame twister, Obstacle course, Tow Test(loaded Dump Truck), and A horseshoe shaped mud pit.

The events are going to be challenging it should be a great test of your rig.

Check-in is a 9am racing should start at 10:30am at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Bozeman, Montana, Motorsports Arena.

The vehicle fee is $35 and spectators are $5. We will be providing T-shirts for the drivers, you will be getting a payback based on the amount of rigs there, i am hoping we will pay back about $300 for first.

Racer Edge Magazine will be there to do an article on the event so you could be published in an upcoming issue

If anyone has any questions please call Scotty at Mike's Offroad 586-4103.

By tsm1 , 3 May, 2006

WHITEHALL, MONT., April 14, 2006—Four options for a road and trail system in the 185,700-acre “Whitetail-Pipestone” area, northeast of Butte, are examined in a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) just released by the Forest Service for public comment.

The area is in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, between Butte, Whitehall, Basin, and Boulder.

[ed: Read below where they plan to close over two hundred miles of roads. I believe in Alternative 4(the Preferred on) is where this will happen and that they are the smaller two track roads we prefer.]