By MichelleD , 16 January, 2003

_TPHappy New Year M4X4A!

We had a large turnout for our annual Christmas Tree run on December 7th. Many thanks to Dennis LaTulip and Loretta Kelly for providing yummy chili and to everyone else who graciously shared their treats. Our Christmas party on December 13th was also a huge success. Thanks to the Burnside's for opening up their home for the party and to Dennis LaTulip for cooking the meat. Great food, conversation and laughter.

(Pictures - Tree Run and Christmas Party)

By tsm1 , 9 January, 2003

We'll be taking a run to Tizer Lake on Sunday, 1/12. Meeting at County Market at 9am, then heading south to Tizer.

Doug Misko ( is trail boss.

Let Doug know if you're planning to attend.

By tsm1 , 8 January, 2003


For Information Contact:
Paul Turcke 208-331-1807
Bill Dart 800-258-3742 x102

SAN FRANCISCO, CA. In a victory for the U.S. Forest Service and off-highway vehicle ("OHV") advocates, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today reversed a lower court decision involving off-highway vehicle ("OHV") access to Montana National Forests. The suit involved Forest Service Wilderness Study Areas created by the Montana Wilderness Study Act of 1977. Originally filed in 1996 by the Montana Wilderness Association and other organizations, the suit claimed that the agency was failing to take action to restrict OHV access and had illegally allowed OHV-friendly trail improvements. The Montana district court granted summary judgment and decided the case in favor of the Wilderness Associations. The Forest Service and access advocacy groups led by the BlueRibbon Coalition appealed the district court decision.

By tsm1 , 17 December, 2002

By Del Albright, BlueRibbon Ambassador

I was nodding off with my chin resting on my chest when the meeting speaker suddenly caught my attention. I hate it when that happens – he called out my name and asked me a question. Of course, because I’d been lost in dreams of trails and mountains, I had no clue what the question was. But my neighbor saved me and said, “Give your coalition speech.”

By tsm1 , 10 December, 2002

The M4X4A Quarterly Delegates meeting will be at Mountain West Bank on February 9th at 10:00 A.M., and NOT at the Lewis and Clark County Library as previously mentioned.

The address is 2021 N. Montana Avenue, Helena MT. (Downstairs)

This is near the intersection of Cedar Street and Montana Avenue. For those coming in on I-15, take the Cedar Street exit and head west. Montana Avenue has a stoplight, with JollyO's gas station on the right, and a carwash on the left.

This is the new bank building that faces Montana Avenue.

By tsm1 , 10 December, 2002

I don' t have a lot of details, just that the M4x4A Divide Ride is on for 2003 and will be based out of Boulder.

If you have any additional information to add, or requests for assistance, chore list, whatever, I've created an M4x4A members-only discussion forum for Divide Ride Discussion

By tsm1 , 6 December, 2002

Last minute reminder..

Frontier is hunting trees on Saturday, December 7th. Meeting at County Market (Montana and Custer Ave) at 9am and heading towards Ellison. Chili will be provided.

Christmas Party will be next week, Friday the 13th, 6pm, at the Burnside Residence on Ray Road. RSVP to Kathy Gordon ( )

By tsm1 , 4 December, 2002

Of Cowboys, Cows and Coalitions
By Del Albright, BlueRibbon Ambassador

Jesse sat in the old line-shack-turned-cabin, listening to the cows bunching up for the night. The evening air was filled with the smell of kerosene lamps, beans on the potbelly, and cows. He needed no electricity for his entertainment; out in the pine trees, the birds were signing their final goodnight songs.

By tsm1 , 19 November, 2002

A Date with a Paper Plate
By Del Albright, BlueRibbon Ambassador

There I was, lying in the cupboard, minding my own business like any good napkin, when this paper plate starts coming on to me. Oh, she was cute all right, all decked out in flowers and looking good. But like any single male napkin, I played hard to get and not interested.