
Bozeman Mountaineers Announcements

By RCURRIER , 19 July, 2010

Mud bog 2010 7/24/2010 Racing at 11am at the Gallatin Fairgrounds

By RCURRIER , 9 February, 2010

Announcing the Mountaineers' Motorsports Swap Meet (sponsored by Dark Horse Customs) Sunday, April 25, 2010 at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds in Bozeman. Gate for sellers opens at 8:00 am and closes at 5:00 pm. Gate for buyers will be open from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Participants of all motorsports (4x4, motorcycle, snowmobile, stock car, ATV, etc.) are invited to sell, but please keep it motorsports oriented. Dealers and resellers welcome. Suggested items are: vehicle parts, tools, tires & wheels, CBs, helmets & snowmobile suits, other riding gear, vehicles or pictures of vehicles for sale, etc.

Buyers get in free and all profits will go to a dedicated land-use fund.

Seller space is $10 for a 10ft x 20ft indoor spot to park or set up a table. We'll provide a pro-rated spot to share with others if you have only a few small items to sell. For the commercial seller it is $25 for a 10ft x 20ft space. There are spaces available for $50 for really large trailers. Spaces will be provided on a first come, first served basis until all spaces are full.

For outreach purposes, free spaces will be provided to access-oriented organizations, i.e. CBU, Blue Ribbon Coalition, etc.

You are responsible for your stuff, you and your buyers' safety, conducting yourself in a professional manner, cleaning up your area when done for the day, and removing any unsold items from the fairgrounds. No alcohol. We reserve the right to reject any sale items or eject participants for just cause. Contact Rob for additional details 579-9073.

By RCURRIER , 6 July, 2009

Saturday, July 18th, Gallatin County Fairgrounds
Registration 8-10, Racing at 11

By tsm1 , 9 March, 2009

Announcing the Mountaineers' "Gearhead" Swap Meet Sunday, 17 May, 2009 at the Gallatin County Fair Grounds in Bozeman. Gate for sellers opens at 8:00am and closes at 5:00pm. Gate to buyers will be open from 10:00 to 3:00. Profits will go to a dedicated land-use fund.

4x4, motorcycle, snowmobile, stock car, ATV, etc. users are invited to sell. Dealers and resellers are also welcome. Keep it gearhead oriented. A few related miscellaneous items are OK, but this not the place to sell all your leftover baby clothes.

Seller space is $10 for a 10x20 foot indoor spot to park your trailer load of loot.
We'll provide a pro-rated spot to buddy-up with others if you have only a few small items. Commercial seller space is $25 for 10'x20'. A really big trailer space is available for $50. Space will be available the day of the sale until all spaces are sold. First come, first served.

Space will be provided free to access-oriented organizations for outreach purposes. ie CBU, Blue Ribbon Coalition, etc.

Suggested items: vehicle parts, tools, tires & wheels, CBs, helmets & snowmobile suits, other riding gear, vehicles or pictures of vehicles for sale, etc.

You are responsible for your stuff, you and your buyers' safety, conducting yourself in a professional manner, cleaning up your area when done for the day, and removing your unsold items from the fairgrounds. No alcohol. We reserve the right to reject any sale items or eject participants for just cause.

By RCURRIER , 10 November, 2006

Come join the Bozeman Mountaineers 4WD Club for a fun family christmas tree run & BBQ in the beautiful Gallatin National Forest. We will be meeting at 9AM on Sunday Dec 3rd @ Mikes Off Road 4WD shop in Four Corners. All you will need to bring is your family, your 4WD, and your GNF Christmas Tree Permit. Stock 4WD's welcome.

Contact Rob @ 579-9073 with questions.

By tsm1 , 28 July, 2006

Bill Pries, 39, of Bozeman, passed away on Tuesday night.

A viewing and family greeting will be on Sunday, July 30 from 4-7PM at Dokken-Nelson funeral home in Bozeman with graveside service at 10 AM Monday, July 31 at the Salesville Cemetary in Gallatin Gateway.