FYI Rock Crawling

By Forplay4x4 , 14 January, 2002

The following was passed to the United delegates.
I thought that you as members should have the chance to comment to me be for I respond.
Send you thoughs to me at

Thanks for your help

Jim Anderson

Hello everyone. United has been asked to endorse a rock crawling event sanctioning body. We are very excited about this new opportunity. The endorsement would be used by the sanctioning body to add legitimacy to the events as endorsed by United and would enable United to (1) offer a service to our members who support rock crawling events, and (2) reach tens of thousands or spectators with United membership information. We anticipate that such a partnership would not include direct monetary support from the sanctioning body to United, nor monetary support from United to the sanctioning body. The partnership would include reciprocal publication of the partnership (we have an article about it in the Voice, they advertise us in their programs, etc.). Also, United does not anticipate that such endorsement will be exclusive to one particular body to the exclusion of other bodies if both make requests for endorsement.

We would like to use a two-step process to determine the best way to implement a program of endorsing these events. First, we would like to gather factual information about rock crawling events and benefit from the experience of our members as to what works and what doesn't. United does not want to endorse rock crawling rules and regulations that are detrimental to the sport and we have no knowledge base as of right now in which to make that decision. Second, based upon response to the questions below we would like to create a committee comprised of United delegates or delegate-suggested persons to approve any requests for endorsement. We hope to have committee members who are knowledgeable about rock crawling so that they can make informed decisions and also explain United's endorsement should questions arise. For instance, if the committee determines that it is appropriate for United to endorse an organization and then a club asks United why it endorses that organization we can offer an explanation of the process and fact finding that lead to the endorsement. We envision that the committee would review the particular rules and regulations of the requesting body and determine whether United would serve it's members by approving and endorsing the use of such a sanctioning body. Early investigation has indicated that our membership probably uses various organizations to sanction their rock crawling events, based largely on geographic location. For instance, clubs in the Northwestern U.S. would use one organization while clubs in the Southwest would use a different one. However, several sanctioning bodies service the entire United States, regardless of region or place of competition.

Our goal is to support the event or rock crawling by offering our endorsement to sanctioning bodies as promotion of the sport, but only in cases where the sanctioning body has demonstrated principles important to United such as land use compliance, following the principles of Tread Lightly! and having a reputation of fair business dealings with supporters, participants, and spectators. In essence, United wants to support this venue of four wheeling but wants to do so responsibly so as not to expose United to legitimate criticism and in a way which reduces the exposure to liability.

As delegates, would you please take about 5 minutes to respond to the following questions. Your answers will be most helpful in aiding the board in a determination of how to proceed with this new partnership in endorsing rock crawling competitions.

PLEASE RESPOND BY JANUARY 22, 2002 (2 weeks from today).


1) Has your association, members, or member clubs hosted or participated in a rock crawling event?

2) What rock crawling sanctioning bodies has your association or member clubs used when HOSTING rock crawling events?

2a) What characteristics or qualities were important in choosing that particular sanctioning body, if applicable.

3) What rock crawling sanctioning bodies has your association or member clubs used when PARTICIPATING in rock crawling events?

3a) What regulations or rules were most helpful and favorable in the event?

3b) What regulations or rules, if any, would you characterize as unfair, unnecessary, or so burdensome as to prevent participation?

4) Comments you would like to make to United that would be helpful in determining whether to endorse a rock crawling sanctioning body.

5) Comments regarding United's role of endorsing rock crawling sanctioning bodies in an attempt to support this venue of fourwheeling and to reach spectators as potential United members.