
United 4WD

By tsm1 , 16 February, 2011

The Feb 2011 e-news is out.

Get it at UNITED

Last Call...Secretarial Order #3310 – Wild Lands
• USFS Framework for Sustainable Recreation
• Capturing Our Past
• US Forest Service proposed planning rule
• Close the Books on 2010
• BFGoodrich’s Outstanding Trails Program
• Recreational Trails Program Threatened
• UFWDA Position on Recreation Fee Areas

By tsm1 , 31 October, 2009

Blacksburg, VA (October 2, 2009)... Forest Service road crews are working to finish repairs to the Patterson Creek Road (Forest Service Road 184) in Craig and Botetourt Counties in time for most of the fall hunting season. Crews are using heavy equipment to repair/replace culverts, reestablish drainage ditches, reconstruct hardened road base, and fill the largest mud holes. The road was closed in the spring due to extensive damage created by illegal off-road vehicle use that resulted in citations being issued to 39 individuals.

“The repairs are going well,” reports Eastern Divide District Ranger Cynthia Schiffer. “Although progress has been impacted by vandalism and thunderstorms, we will have the road opened by October 16th.”

Equipment on site has been damaged by vandals twice. Anyone with information about this vandalism is encouraged to contact the Forest Service at 1-866-241-6669.

Southwestern Virginia Four Wheelers assisted the Forest Service with the repair work. The club acquired a grant from United Land Action Fund to help cover the cost of stone, arranged for donated lime from Titan America (Roanoke Cement) and had individual club members donate straw for erosion control. Martin Morrison, Club President, said “The club would like to thank all of the companies and individuals for their donations. As a club, we are proud to assist the Forest Service in promoting responsible use of our public lands.”


By tsm1 , 7 July, 2003

"Don and Carol Jensen" jensendc@teleport.com (via United Delegate Jim Anderson)

Many of you will remember from years past, the STANDBY PROGRAM. This is a program that lists four wheelers who are willing to be contacts to other four wheelers who are traveling through your area.

By tsm1 , 12 July, 2002

I am proud to announce that Jennifer Johnson, Missoula County Deputy Attorney the daughter of Steve and Deidre Slagle (Rimrock 4x4, Billings, MT); is the prosecuting attorney in the States case against the 7 earthfirst wacko?s that suspended themselves from a logging truck, over a bridge to protest the extraction of burnt timber from Montana?s recent fires.

By Forplay4x4 , 14 January, 2002

The following was passed to the United delegates.
I thought that you as members should have the chance to comment to me be for I respond.
Send you thoughs to me at forplay4x4@hotmail.com

Thanks for your help

Jim Anderson


By tsm1 , 10 December, 2001

Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 22:48:30 -0500 (EST)
From: Preston Stevens

Hey folks,

Look, I am steadily getting great news from within United.

The most recent stats show a significant rate for growth since the Annual
Convention. This despite the Spetember 11th disaster and unstable economy.

After doing a fine job as Ad Coordinator for United's Voice Joyce
Hillson has past the job to Jim Anderson of the Montana Four Wheel Drive
Association. What is so positive about this, is Jim has done this sort of
thing professionally for years. This is old hat to him. Essentially, he is
an expert in the field.