Fall Crawl 4x4 Trials Benefit in Ft. Benton...

By H8PVMNT , 9 August, 2007

You are all invited to Fall Crawl 4x4 Trials Competition in Ft. Benton...We would like to invite all of you to Fall Crawl, a 4x4 Trials Competition/ Benefit in Ft. Benton, MT, Saturday, Sept. 29th.

The terrain will be manmade trenches, hot tub style holes, logs, rocks and a big mud obstacal of some kind. Chouteau county is providing the equipment. Entry fee is $25, which will go entirely to Montana Hope Project, a charity that sends cronicaly ill kids on dream vacations and helps with other expenses. There will be prizes donated by off road manufacturers and local businesses in central MT.

The event will start at 1:00 on Saturday, Sept. 29, with vehicle check in from 11:00AM on. Th fairgrounds is providing free camping with hot showers for all competitors. We are trying to make this a big 4x4 rondesvouz/party for the weekend. A chance for any and all MT 4x4 enthusiast to meet and have fun competing in a freindy atmosphere.

This competition will not be for fastest time. It will be scored kind of like rock crawling in the early days. You will accrue penalty points for stoping, reverse, hitting course markers ect. This kind of scoring leaves alot of room for driving styles. You can be fast or slow and still get a good score, as long as you make it through the overly sadistic course as smoothly as possible! You can even use a spotter if you want.

Classes: There is only one class: open! Run what you brung! This event is you against the Trials Course!

We have put on about 6 of these events over the years and have always considered running classes, but there's always some kid in an almost bone stock jeep or 4runner that waxes everybody! Equipment helps, but this is truely a drivers sport! I beat 2 single seat rock buggies last time I competed in My Toyota Pickup! There are usually enough prizes to cover the consideration for differently equipped vehicles anyway.

We are considering running ATVs after the trucks run if enough people are interested, and I guess that constitutes an ATV class if it happens. E-mail me your mailing or e-mail info and I'll send you out a flyer and registration stuff. We are getting registration packages ready right now.
Or you guys can call Mike or Kelly Oriet at (406) 622-3619.