Rehberg Urges Public to Join Him in Opposing Wilderness Expansion Legislation

By RCURRIER , 15 October, 2007

Please pass on to any and all Residents that believe in Balanced Use of our Public Lands -

We're trying to get folks to sign on in opposition to the bill we talked about the other day. Just have folks click on the link below and fill out the form on there. After that, Denny is going to print all of these forms and present them to the committee next week to show MontanaÂ’s opposition to the bill. | Denny Rehberg

October 11, 2007 CONTACT Bridger Pierce – 202-225-3211

Rehberg Urges Public to Join Him in Opposing Wilderness Expansion Legislation

WASHINGTON – Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today urged Montana’s multiple-use community to join him in opposing legislation, introduced by Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Christopher Shays (R-CT), which would harm public access and recreation in Montana.

“Any piece of legislation affecting public lands must take into consideration input from local communities and those who depend on the resources for work and recreation,” said Rehberg, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. "Unfortunately, this legislation is a top-down approach that doesn't properly take into account the impacts on the local economy nor does it adequately protect access for hunting, fishing and other forms of recreation. The Natural Resources Committee plans to hold a hearing on this bill next week and it’s important I have written proof that Montanans don’t want members from New York and Connecticut dictating our land use policy.”

The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act would designate nearly 7 million acres of public land in Montana as wilderness. This additional acreage would triple MontanaÂ’s current designation of wilderness acres and result in more than 11% of our stateÂ’s total acreage being tied up in wilderness. On October 18th, the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee plans to hold a hearing on the bill.

Prior to hearing, Rehberg has created a link on his website urging Montanans to voice their support of his position and opposition to the legislation.

“Not only will this affect recreation but I also have concerns this bill could negatively impact Montana’s ability to fight and prevent forest fires,” said Rehberg. “Local Montana communities deserve to have a voice in this proposal. I’m hopeful that thousands of postcards saying ‘NO’ will send a strong, clear message that this bill isn’t how we do business in Montana.”

Link to online form is listed below:

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Bridger Pierce

Communications Director

Congressman Denny Rehberg (MT-At Large)

516 Cannon HOB


Cell 202-641-6321

202-225-5687 FAX