May Skyliners Report

By JoeRoss , 17 May, 2002

Hi Everyone!
Wow! Was that Convention fun for all or what? Thank you to all who attended. All the costumes were great and the race track was a hoot. I just want to say that the cooks, Fred and Sherry Hanson, did a wonderful job.
Congratulations to the costume winners:
Bob and Ann Lambert -Best couple
Leonard Nelson -Best male
Amy Johnson -Best female
Emily - Amy's Daughter -Best child
We need to mention one more costume that was good. We were told that it was not a skirt - it was a wrap! So, I think Tom Mandera should get the Burrito Award for the male that was all wrapped up!
R.C. races was won by Jason Schroeder, future son-in-law to Rob and Cindy St.Clair.
Frontier 4 Wheelers of Helena won the trail riding basket of goodies for the best picture poster contest.
Rob Zolman did a wonderful job on the photo booth. Everyone seemed to be pleased with their pictures, and I have to say, you all looked great!
The Skyliners would like to say congratulations to the state officers. You did such a good job last year and it's nice to have you here again.
Enough of Convention now. Life here is back to usual. Trail rides, some 4X4 fun, and the civic duty of highway clean up. May 18th is a run to Blacktail with a dog luck (short for hot dog pot luck). May 19th we're showing a friend of Jan's some Montana hospitality. She's from California. It's a pot luck and sure to be fun.
We had our election of officers - the same as last year.
Pres. Jan Munn
V.P. Frank Brown
Treas. Don Munn
Sec. Mickie Ross
R.V.P. Mickie Ross
Delegates Joe Ross & Preston Johnson
Alternates Jan Munn & Rob St.Clair
The Hot Springs Mud Bog looks like it's going to be fun. Some of the Skyliners are going over to show support.
We're back to trying new ways to build up our membership again with hopes of recruiting a couple more for this year.
We welcome Fred and Sherry Hanson, and Rob and Krystal Zolman, (parents to Trenton & T.J. Zolman - Mickie & Joe Ross' grand sons that most of you have already known since they were babies.) Glad to have you all in the club!
So long for now. -Mickie Ross, R.V.P.