United Standby Program

By tsm1 , 7 July, 2003

"Don and Carol Jensen" jensendc@teleport.com (via United Delegate Jim Anderson)

Many of you will remember from years past, the STANDBY PROGRAM. This is a program that lists four wheelers who are willing to be contacts to other four wheelers who are traveling through your area.

Re: Standby program

At this years United Convention the delegates voted to reinstate this program. If you are willing to be a contact for your club or area please provide your name, address (you may want only your city and state listed and that is ok), and phone number. You may want to include your cell phone number, if you have one and your email address. Many times if someone is going to be in your area they will call you for information on restaurants, motels and "where to go four-wheeling" or where to get parts for a broken 4X4!

This could mean help all across the United States by fellow four wheelers.

Thanks to Gail Straty, Colorado Association of 4-Wheel Drive Clubs, I have maps of all the states.

Again, this is the information I need:

NAME ________________________

CITY _________________________

STATE ________________________

PHONE _______________________

CELL PHONE _optional___________

EMAIL ________________________