
Land Use Information

Protest Over Mountain Roads Draws Hundreds

From the Helena IR, Monday, April 26, 2004:
"Hundreds rallied Saturday at a U.S. Forest Service office
against proposed road restrictions in south-central Montana's Beartooth and Pryor mountains."

Full text of article is available by clicking the following link.
Helena IR Article

Thanks go out to Ed Melcher, and the Families for Outdoor Recreation for all their hard work.

RALLY! Families For Outdoor Recreation

Show up and support your right to use our forests!
Learn what you can do to protect our lands. Come to a rally in Billings, Montana, at the Forest Service Office o­n April 24, 2004, at NOON (1310 Main Street). We don't want trails and roads that we enjoy to have a "ROAD CLOSED" sign o­n them next time we visit.

Bring your families and friends. There will be reporters and television crews. We need to make an impact. Let's fill the parking lots with outdoor recreationists. Hey, let's close down Main Street! See you there!

My First Real *Wacko* Encounter

My First Real *Wacko* Encounter
by Del Albright, BlueRibbon Ambassador

After 22 years of land use and access involvement, I've finally met my first real *wacko.* I don't mean the harmless, dress up a like an owl and parade around town kind, I mean the kind that wished me dead.

It started at a gas station where I'd stopped with my motorhome during a trip from northern to southern California. As I was filling up, a frumpy looking guy walked buy and said, *How's it feel to be a pig?*

Your Recreation, Your Land - Get Involved (Part 1)

By: John Stewart
Director, Environmental Affairs, United Four Wheel Drive Associations
Natural Resource Consultant, California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs

It is happening in Georgia, Tennessee, Arizona, California, Alaska, Montana, and every other state where federal land managers control public lands. Their actions are governed by management plans.

Nationwide the Forest Service and BLM are in the midst of management plan updates.

Ken Miller for Governor?

Helena IR Article

If elected governor, Republican Ken Miller said he would fight to keep roads open for multiple use on state lands.

Speaking to snowmobilers in Cut Bank Saturday night, Miller said one of the first things he would do as governor would be to issue an executive order requiring that no further roads on state public lands would be closed without a review by the governor's office.

''Montanans continue to be closed out of more and more access to our public lands,'' Miller said. ''My family has experienced repeatedly blocked roads that we've used to hunt, fish and generally enjoy the outdoors.''

Miller for Governor

Do Personalities Rule Your Recreation?

By Del Albright, BlueRibbon Ambassador

Is your club ticked off at a neighboring club? Are you drifting away from your club because of the behavior of a few folks? Do you find yourself attending fewer club/group meetings these days? Do you feel like your opinion does not count? Are you tired of the politics and clicks in your club? In other words, do personalities rule your recreation?