
Land Use Action Alerts

Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act

I just wanted to let folks know that there is pending legislation that, if passed, would allow the Forest Service, BLM, and other lands administered by the Interior Department to begin charging a user fee. This means you potentially would have to by an "access" permit to hunt, fish, hike or drive o­n your public lands. Also, there are special permit fees allowed (in addition to the "access" fee) for such activities as: "(1) A group activity., (2) A commercial tour, including commercial aircraft tour., (3) A recreation event., (4) Use of a motorized recreation vehicle., (5) A competitive event..." These were directly quoted from the pending legislation. I have attached it below. This was copied form searched for HR3283 (108th congress)

While some may be inclined to say so what, just remember that you currently pay taxes to recreate o­n PUBLIC LANDS. If this legislation passes, you are essentially being taxed twice.

If you are opposed to this concept, please do your part to encourage our congressional delegation to vote against this.

George Jordan
concerned member, Magic City 4-wheelers

BLM-Public Meetings in Helena

Watch for meeting in your area!

This is about your recreational opportunities.

You are Invited to Public Meetings to Discuss Travel Planning Criteria For the Bureau of Land Management - Butte Field Office Resource Management Plan Revision

The Bureau of Land Management - Butte Field Office will host public meetings to discuss criteria for travel planning on public lands; these criteria are currently being developed as part of the Resource Management Plan (RMP). The public meetings will be tailored to discuss travel planning criteria in five separate areas and are scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, November 30th, North Hills Area, West Valley Volunteer Fire Department, 1165 Forestvale, Helena, 7- 9p.m.

Wednesday, December 1 Scratchgravel Hills West Valley Volunteer Fire Department 1165 Forestvale Helena 7- 9 p.m.

Thursday, December 2 Marysville Area West Valley Volunteer Fire Department 1165 Forestvale Helena 7- 9 p.m.

For additional information please contact Ruth Miller BLM Project Manager at 406-533- 7645 or visit the RMP website at

CFBU Rally - Dec 11th - Bozeman

NOTICE to Citizens For Balanced Use:

Where: Gallatin County Courthouse.
When: December 11, 2004 - Noon until 2 pm
Stop by and meet the people that will carry
the fight to keep our public lands open to everyone.
This is serious and we must not lose this fight!

This notice is posted on the website.
Encourage your friends to join!

Gallatin Travel Plan

The Gallatin National Forest has published their Motorized Trail Closure Plan, oops… I meant Travel Management Plan preferred alternative. Information is available at:

Alternative 7 is the preferred alternative selected by the Forest Service; however, it is not a lucky No. 7 alternative for motorized recreationists as shown on the attached table developed from information in Chapter 2. The % change from the current condition has been added in red for comparison to existing conditions.

First, start with the miles of ATV roads. Under Current conditions there are 77 miles of “legal” ATV road opportunity available. Under Alternative 7 this opportunity increases to 361 miles. Sounds good if you like to ride roads. Next look at the miles of trails open to ATVs which is 680 miles currently and decreases to 167 miles or 25% of the existing miles under Alternative 7. Ouch, this is a big time loss of the most valuable OHV recreational opportunity!

May 15 Families for Outdoor Recreation Rally in Bozeman

To all Montana outdoor recreation groups:

This is a reminder of the recreation summit being held on Saturday, May 15,
hosted by Families For Outdoor Recreation. In addition to the original agenda,
we are also excited to announce that Brian Hawthorne, Blue Ribbon Coalition
Public Lands Director, will also be joining us.

Please plan to attend this informative meeting, which will help connect
outdoor recreation groups together with a common theme and purpose.

Here are the details of the summit meeting:
When: May 15, 9am - 5pm
Where: Mackenzie River Pizza, 409 West Main St, Belgrade MT

Please RSVP to Bob Stevenson in Bozeman at, or 406-585-8252.

For more information about Families For Outdoor Recreation, please contact Ed
Melcher at 406-651-9244 or Mark Kary at 406-248-9170, or check the web site


Nearly $1 million is available for recreational trails projects in the state this year. Grant applications must be submitted to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks by July 1.

Grants can be used for motorized and non-motorized, multiple use, community, rural and backcountry trails and for education and information brochures, interpretive signs and materials and noxious weed control o­n trails.

Public agencies and private trail clubs are eligible for the grants.

Applications for these Recreational Trails Program and OHV Program grants can be downloaded from FWP’s web page at , click o­n Parks and Recreation and look o­n the Grants page. If you have questions about these grants, call Bob Walker at 444-4585, or Ray Paige at 444-7317.

Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest Comments

The Forest Service is planning an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze a proposed travel and access management plan for the Whitetail-Pipestone area of Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest (Montana). This management plan will designate trails and roads for specific uses, including motorized and non-motorized recreation. Click here to read more.

Your input is important to ensure that the Forest Service understands the concerns and interests of responsible recreationists. ARRA encourages you to submit comments on the scope of the analysis by the submission deadline, March 15th. To read more about how to submit comments to Federal agencies, click here.

Forest Service Open House

From the 10-30 Helena Indpendent Record. Article

Here's the text:
Three open houses will be held to present the alternatives and take comments from interested parties.

All of the meetings run from 4-8 p.m. Dates and locations include:

Nov. 4 at the Helena Supervisor's office o­n Skyway Drive near the Helena Regional Airport

Nov. 5 at the Townsend School Library Community Room o­n 210 North Spruce

Nov. 6 at the Lincoln Community Hall o­n Highway 200

The comment period ends o­n Dec. 1.
Comments can be sent via e-mail to or by traditional mail to Dea Nelson, Helena National Forest, Townsend Ranger District, 415 So. Front, Townsend, Mont. 59644.

The Draft EIS is available o­n the web at as well as at the public libraries in Boulder, Helena, Lincoln and Townsend.
Helena National Forest offices in Helena, Lincoln and Townsend have copies of the document, and additional copies can be requested by calling Dea Nelson at 266-3425 or Jay Winfield at 449-5490.