By WD40 , 30 October, 2003

From the 10-30 Helena Indpendent Record. Article

Here's the text:
Three open houses will be held to present the alternatives and take comments from interested parties.

All of the meetings run from 4-8 p.m. Dates and locations include:

Nov. 4 at the Helena Supervisor's office o­n Skyway Drive near the Helena Regional Airport

Nov. 5 at the Townsend School Library Community Room o­n 210 North Spruce

Nov. 6 at the Lincoln Community Hall o­n Highway 200

The comment period ends o­n Dec. 1.
Comments can be sent via e-mail to or by traditional mail to Dea Nelson, Helena National Forest, Townsend Ranger District, 415 So. Front, Townsend, Mont. 59644.

The Draft EIS is available o­n the web at as well as at the public libraries in Boulder, Helena, Lincoln and Townsend.
Helena National Forest offices in Helena, Lincoln and Townsend have copies of the document, and additional copies can be requested by calling Dea Nelson at 266-3425 or Jay Winfield at 449-5490.

By tsm1 , 29 October, 2003

It appears that the Senate version of the so-called Healthy Forests Restoration Act will come up on the Senate floor Wednesday, Oct 29. The actual version of the bill that will come up on the Senate floor is the "compromise" brokered by the Bush Administration and accepted by many Republican Senators along with Senators Feinstein (D-CA), Wyden (D-OR), Daschle (D-SD), Bacus (D-MT), Lincoln (D-AR), and Johnson (D-SD).

Many Senators are realizing the fire tragedy in Southern California would have beenprevented or at least lessened by the provisions of the Healthy Forest Act..

Calls are urgently needed.

By tsm1 , 15 September, 2003

I am tired of seeing recreationists trying to organize and lead projects while having little or no training on how to do it. I am tired of seeing volunteers burn out and leave the cause because of huge amounts of energy invested on their part, with little or no return. I am tired of seeing the same three or four people in a club doing all the work, year after year, until they finally fizzle out. I've decided to do something about it on a national level.

By FUN4X4 , 15 September, 2003

Please join Frontier 4x4 club o­n the Lava Mountain Conservation project o­n Saturday Sept 20th.

We will leave the County Market parking lot at 9:00am.

Any o­ne wishing to camp out could camp at the Park Lake camp ground. Call if you need directions. Then let me know and we will pick you up o­n the way to Lava Mountain.

If you haven’t earned a conservation patch or if you have a patch and need a rocker for 2003 now could be the time. We need at least o­ne other club to show up and it is a done deal.

If you need any other information contact me at: Home-458-9577,Work 442-7749.

By FUN4X4 , 2 September, 2003

Frontiers advertised conservation project for the LeadVille trail will happen Sept 6th. The project will be o­n Saturday leaving WhiteHouse camp ground (North of Butte) at 10 PM.

For those who want to camp (WhiteHouse camp ground) we will probably take some short trips Saturday night and or Sunday morning.

We will be doing some light brushing of the trail and surveying future erosion work that needs to be done to keep the trail in good shape.

With current fire danger we will need to be very careful. We are still under stage 2 restrictions, no camp fires, no chain saws after 1 PM, smoking in vehicles o­nly etc.

We could still cancel this project with short notice so please stay in touch with Frontier.
Call 406-458-9755 , 406-442-7749 or E-mail for directions of more information.

By FUN4X4 , 21 August, 2003


Please plan to attend this meeting, since this plan is the next step in determining what trails we will be able to ride o­n for the next 10 years in the Gallatin Forest

When: Monday August 25,2003 7-9pm
Where: Best Western City Center Motel, 507 West Main
What: Gallatin National Forest Draft Travel Plan Alternatives

By RCURRIER , 20 August, 2003

Whare: Gallatin County Fairgrounds - Bozeman
Date: Sept. 27th (during Septoberfest)
Registration: 8am-10:30am Racing starts at 11am
Classes: Street, Sportsman, Womens and Bump & Run cars (NO bump-ups)
Spectators: Free with Admission to Septoberfest!
Entry Fee: $20.00
Payback: 50% with Dash Plaques

Description: Side by Side Racing, winner is judged by best time, each racer will drive twice!

For more info, e-mail Bill Pries-

By RCURRIER , 6 August, 2003

The Bozeman Mountaineers are throwing a Dirt and Mud Drag race on August 16th and 17th at the Galaton County Fairgrounds Motorsports Park - Bozeman.

Sat. the 16th Dirt Drags
Sun. the 17th Mud Drags

Regestration 8-10:30am each day.
Racing starts at 11:00am.

20$ entry - 5$ each bump up in class per day.
One pit person per entry.
Spectator Gate - 5$ per person - children under 10 get in free.

By tsm1 , 5 August, 2003

Cascade County 4 Wheelers is planning o­n having a 4X4 Show and Shine o­n August 14.
We are planning to hold it at the Hardees, 2615 10th Ave South from 6pm to9pm.

It will a chance for Great Falls and surrounding area people to show off their Rigs and meet others that are into 4X4s. I'll post more information as I get it with a firm place and time.


By tsm1 , 7 July, 2003

"Don and Carol Jensen" (via United Delegate Jim Anderson)

Many of you will remember from years past, the STANDBY PROGRAM. This is a program that lists four wheelers who are willing to be contacts to other four wheelers who are traveling through your area.