By tsm1 , 4 November, 2002


There are only four days left before the elections. Off highway recreationists have
a tremendous stake in this election and a definite opportunity to affect the
outcome. But only if we get involved.

By Jeepnut63 , 28 October, 2002

Hello all,
Our next Club Meeting scheduled for 6 Nov at 7:30pm will be held at the Hardees, 2615 10th Ave South. There is a playground there if you want to bring the little ones along. We will have the enclosed room in the front for our meeting. Plan on a dinner and meeting combo so no one will have to cook or do dishes. Everyone bring your 4x4 and maybe some people driving on 10th Ave might stop by just to see what all the 4x4s are doing in the parking lot. Email me at for more information.

By tsm1 , 21 October, 2002

This is from Mike Georgeson, MTVRA and Rim Rock trail Rider member in Billings.

I spoke with Frank Cifala, Gallatin National Forest Recreational Manager - Big Timber, today and he made some interesting comments.

1) 95% of all comments to date are against motorized recreation in the Gallatin.(need I say more?)

By Jeepnut63 , 21 October, 2002

Hello all, want to do a trail ride/maybe a Chilli Run on 3 NOV.
Want to go the back way into Hughesville, if it isn't snowed in by then. If it is, we'll find someplace to go up near there.

Will meet at the Loft (above Big R on 10th) at 8am if you want to eat and 9am to leave. Drop me a line at if you have any questions or plan on joining.

By tsm1 , 21 October, 2002

From: "Reuben Gosewisch"
Subject: Urgent request for assistance. Comments Needed by Oct. 31, 2002
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 22:05:45 -0500

Hello Everyone,

I am requesting assistance for comments in response to the
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Plan. The Midwest 4 Wheel Drive
Association and Wisconsin 4 Wheel Drive Association need your help getting
the word out about this plan, and need everyone to write a letter in
support of maintaining all existing access to public lands and designate
additional trails for four wheel drive use. These comments and letters need
to be sent to the Park Falls Supervisors Office by October 31st, 2002.

By MichelleD , 15 October, 2002

_TPWinter is quickly approaching and so are the prime four wheeling days.

By Jeepnut63 , 14 October, 2002

Hello all, want to do a trail ride/hotdog cook on the 20th.
Want to go over Thain Creek then to Bud's cabin and burn some hotdogs.

Will meet at the Loft (above Big R on 10th) at 8am if you want to eat and 9am to leave. Should be a very easy day, just want to get out for a ride. Drop me a line at if you have any questions or plan on joining.

By Jeepnut63 , 2 October, 2002

DATE: 2 October 2002
EVENT: Club Meeting
PLACE: PLACE: Side Track Lounge at 3653 9th Ave N.
It is off of 38th St N. near the Coke Plant.
Meeting starts at 7:30pm and will be in the back room to the left as you go in.
For more info with the subject of Club Meeting.

By JoeRoss , 17 September, 2002

Things have been fun over here. We've been scouting around for new areas to go. Some of these places have been interesting and fun spots. Last month we found a spot that offered a great trail ride to get to this one area, then it was a heavenly delight! you had a good hill climb, some rough roads, and places to play some 4X4 games. Then, to top it off, there was a big mud hole to play in. For added beauty, there was a creek just beyond the trees that was a back drop for our pot luck lunch. One drawback, it takes about one hour of highway driving to get there.