By Desmvp1 , 11 February, 2015

I have been wanting to write a how to for all my four wheeling brethren, on how to use an RSS feed reader.

What is it?
Well an RSS reader is a program that will go and fetch updated web pages.

Why would I use it?
I like using it for forums, my other favorite websites and blogs.

How dose it work, in non geek speak?

By C2T , 11 November, 2014

Frontier 4x4 Club would like to express our thanks for the many veterans among our club and all of the clubs of the Montana 4x4 Association. While Frontier is just a small group of wheelers we have, among us, Air Force, Army, Marine, Navy and Coast Guard veterans. Many have combat experience. I have no doubt that all of the clubs of the M4x4A have a similar makeup. So on behalf of the members of the Frontier 4x4 Club: Thank you one and all for your service, your friendship and your comradery. Wheel safe my friends...

By desmvp , 28 September, 2014

The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.

TPAC believes that "all land-use decisions are political decisions." The TPAC strategic goal is simple. TPAC will contribute to pro-access politicians who will support OHV recreation friendly legislation and oppose anti-access proposals and agency overregulation.

By desmvp , 28 September, 2014

Attached is the October 4XForum.

Don't forget the next Delegates meeting next Saturday, Oct. 4, 10 a.m. at the usual
spot - the Grub Steak in Helena!!

The September 2014 United Four Wheel Drive Association Voice is now available:

Thanks to Stacy OSBORNE

M4x4a V.P. Destry Walker

By desmvp , 18 April, 2014

MONTANA - Divide Travel Plan DEIS Comment Period Extended Until June 12, 2014

Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,

In response to requests received from the public, the Helena National Forest has decided to extend the comment period for the Divide Travel Plan - Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). As a result, the comment period for the DEIS is being extended until June 12, 2014.

The deadline for submission of comments on the proposed Programmatic Forest Plan Amendment will remain June 12, 2014.