
Frontier Fourwheelers Announcements

By tsm1 , 18 April, 2006

Trail Ride Saturday, 4/22. Destination unknown, but there should be snow involved.

Meet at Murdoch's, Montana and Custer Avenues, at 9am.

By tsm1 , 21 February, 2006

We have a joint run planned with the folks looking to start up the Butte club again.

Saturday, 2/25. Meeting in BASIN at 9AM. Basin is located south of Boulder, north of Butte, on I-15.

By tsm1 , 19 January, 2006

Frontier Trail Ride - SUNDAY, January 22nd, 9am, at the old County Market parking lot, behind McDonalds at Montana and Custer Ave, Helena.

By tsm1 , 9 November, 2005

Frontier 4-Wheelers invites everyone to our annual Christmas Tree Run, Saturday, 12/3/2005.

With the sale of FS Tree Permits in question thanks to a federal ruling, Chris Lamping has graciously offered up a private stand of trees in the McClellan Creek area, in the Elkhorns, near Montana City.

We'll meet at the old County Market, behind McDonalds, at 9am, with another meet-up in Montana City for anyone living too far south of town. Estimate the Montana City meet at 9:30 or so.

There's one stream crossing that could be a challenge for longer vehicles, but the event should still be suitable for the stock family SUV - and if your Subaru isn't quite up to the last leg of the trip, I'm sure someone can find a spare seat or make a second round trip.

Chris said there are sledding spots, a fire ring, etc so bring the kids n' their sleds - won't be much for challenging wheeling, but we'll have a good time bench racing.

No one at the meeting was prepared to make enough chili for everyone, so we went to Plan B, borrowed from the Mountaineers.

Everyone bring a can or two of chili. We'll have a couple of big pots, and we'll see what happens.

We may yet wind up with some volunteers to brew a batch of chili - if that's the case, we can all take our cans home and eat 'em another day.

Bring along a little something else to share, and we'll have a regular banquet!

RSVP to the thread in the Frontier Forum

Thanks again, Chris!


By tsm1 , 7 October, 2005

Just before opening day. Mike Kelly's the Trail Boss.. meeting at 9am outside the old County Market at Montana and Custer Ave.

By tsm1 , 27 January, 2005

January 22nd, 2005 Frontier had their second club run of 2005.

We assembled at County Market around 9am. The Mandera in a Scout II, the LaTulips in the Blazer, the Miskos in a Bronco n' F-pickup, guest Scott Klein his is Dodge 250, and [] Lamping in an Explorer.

By 9:30 we managed to get on the road and headed south on I-15 to take the Jefferson City exit.

By tsm1 , 5 January, 2005

Club Trail Rides - All rides meet at County Market, 9am.

SUNDAY, January 9th. This is the day after the Delegates meeting.


SATURDAY, January 22nd.

It's cold out there, so be prepared. Plenty of warm clothes, extra shoes n' socks, etc.

Plus the usual tow-hooks and straps, good tires, full tank of gas, etc.

By tsm1 , 30 November, 2004

Saturday, December 4th.

Meet at 9am at County Market (corner of Montana and Custer Avenue, behind McDonalds) in Helena, then we're heading south on I-15 to Basin to hunt trees.

RSVP at the Frontier meeting Wed 12/1, 7pm at Helena Motors and we'll make sure there's enough chili. :D

Guests are welcome.

By tsm1 , 5 June, 2004

Conservation on the Leadville Trail while camping out and having fun with Frontier, June 19th-20th out of Bernice (off I-15, north of Butte) out to the Whitehouse Campground.

All M4x4A members welcome.

Dennis LaTulip will be smoking Pork and 1/4 Chickens for Saturday Night dinner in exchange for donations to cover the meat.