
Frontier Fourwheelers Announcements

By tsm1 , 6 April, 2011

Frontier 4x4 Club Meeting Minutes
Meeting Beginning:
March 2, 2011 7:05 pm by Mike Kelly
Meeting at a glance:
• Land Issues
• M4x4A Delegates
• Helena Challenge
• Runs
Important dates to remember:
March 6, Monthy Club Run, 9:00 am Murdoch’s
Next Meeting – April 6, 7:00 pm, Staggering Ox meeting room
Members in Attendance:
Mike Kelly and Charlene Welch Richard Hiltz
Pam Kennedy Joe Skaggs
Tom, Michelle, & family Mandera Oakley Clark-Sunstad
Alex Tyhurst Chris Lamping
Nick Van Dyke Aaron Snyder
Guests in Attendance:

By tsm1 , 17 February, 2011

Helena's Frontier 4 wheelers, Sunday's trail ride started in Murdock's parking lot where 14 trail rigs and a handful of guests gathered. After fueling up the rigs and grabbing some breakfast, Tom passed out plans of where our trip was taking us. We headed up through the town of York, took a left at the York Bar and proceeded north to Nelson, the "Cribbage Capital of the World" (according to the sign as you approach the small town).

Mother Nature threw a few obstacles in our way to help make the run a little more challenging. We first encountered roads coated with ice, followed by areas of fallen rocks, then trees lying across the roadway and as we gain altitude (not attitude) there was snow!

The higher we traveled the more the snow we encountered. Very few rigs were untouched by the uses of tow straps and winches. The kids in our exploration found time to enjoy some great sledding while the adults were freeing each other from obstacles Mother Nature placed before us. Thanks to Tyler Gordon's mother, Kathy, we received a tasteful pot of homemade chili during our stop for lunch. One rig had to be towed out the area while one was left for a while to cool down from a overheated transmission, The trail ride end with a burger from York Restaurant/Bar and good company, It was a Great day for wheeling!!!

[url=]Tom's Pictures[/url]
[url=]Joe's Pictures[/url]
[url=]Richard's pictures[/url]

(Text from Joe)



By tsm1 , 4 June, 2009

Frontier 4-Wheelers, along with some Continental and Mountaineer members, will be having an overnighter near Deerlodge on June 13-14th.

We'll be camping at [url=]Racetra… Campground[/url] outside of Deerlodge starting Friday night. There are toilets and water available on site (so travelmt tells me)

We plan to run some trails in the area, including pre-running for DR 2009. The three trails suggested are: Alpine Lake, Altoona Lake, and Caruthers Lake. We could also head up to Mountain Ben, or other destinations depending on how things proceed.

Everyone is welcome to join us.

By tsm1 , 6 November, 2008

Frontier 4-Wheelers of Helena, MT will be having their annual Christmas Tree Run on Saturday, December 6th, 2008.

We will meet at Murdoch's at the corner of Montana and Custer Avenues at 9am, and make our way over MacDonald Pass on Hwy 12, then head south just before Elliston and head into the Kading Gulch area.

There is a plowed road most if not all of the way, easily accessible by a stock 4x4. There are also some trails available for those looking for a challenge.

Chili, Cornbread, and Fritos will be provided, so bring something else along to share.

RSVP or get to the back of the chili line and hope there's some left..

By tsm1 , 22 April, 2008

Frontier will be having side-by-side 100-yard sand-drag races on Saturday, 5/17, as part of the Spring Fest events at the Lewis & Clark Fairgrounds in Helena, MT.

Registration is 10-12, racing at 1pm.

Competitor entrance is off Green Meadow Drive. The Fairgrounds are at Henderson and Custer Avenues. From the main entrance at Henderson & custer, head east on Custer to the first light. Capital High is on your right. Make a left onto Green Meadow Drive. Turn left at the gas station (1-2 blocks north of Custer) and you'll go straight into the competitor entrance.

More directions

By tsm1 , 14 September, 2007

Dennis Lietzow (a Deerlodge Native) agreed to lead our September trail ride.

We're headed into the Deerlodge area - Dennis has one of three drainages in mind.. Mountain Ben, Bowman Lakes, or a third one I don't remember.

We'll be leaving Helena at 7am at Murdoch's to get into Deerlodge at 8am, meeting at the old 4Bs just off the Interstate.

Butte folks could meet up at the Racetrack Exit at 8:30 if they wanted to.

There's room for trailers at the 4B's if anyone wants to tow their rig.

CB Channel 4, of course.



Bohn Lake

By tsm1 , 26 November, 2006

For those of you living under a rock (or enjoying a trip to Baja Sur for the Mil).. the first Saturday of December is just around the corner - less than a week away!

The Lampings have offered to let us cut a few trees on their property in the Elkhorns again, so no need for tree permits.

I've volunteered to make a pot of chili again - I'm going to brave the crowds at Costco sometime this week to see about buying half a cow..

Post-up In the Forum with an RSVP and who wants to bring what as far as anything / everything else.