
Frontier Fourwheelers Announcements

By tsm1 , 12 January, 2004

Two runs this month, and one work party.

Trail Rides on Saturday, 1/17, Trail Boss Tom Mandera, meeting at 9am @ County Market

Also Sunday, 2/1, trail boss Mike Kelly, also meeting at the usual County Market (Montana and Custer Avenues, in Helena)

This is the day after the Delegates Meeting in Montana City, so bring your trail rig to the meeting, spend the night, and come play on Sunday.

Please dress for the weather, and make sure you have tow-hooks front and rear. Bring a lunch.

Sheetrock party at Tom's place on Sunday, 1/18. RSVP and there's food involved.

By tsm1 , 14 November, 2003

Important dates to remember:
• Nov 15th Saturday: Trail Ride – Chris Brown “Trail Boss”. Meet at County Market 9:00 a.m.
• Nov 22nd/23rd Saturday/Sunday: Big Brothers and Big Sisters Bowling Tournament.
Doug Misko will be organizing a Frontier team. 458-1178 /
Registration needs to be completed by the 20th.
• Dec 13th Saturday: Christmas Tree Run.
• Dec 20th Saturday: Christmas Party at the LaTulip's house.

By FUN4X4 , 15 September, 2003

Please join Frontier 4x4 club o­n the Lava Mountain Conservation project o­n Saturday Sept 20th.

We will leave the County Market parking lot at 9:00am.

Any o­ne wishing to camp out could camp at the Park Lake camp ground. Call if you need directions. Then let me know and we will pick you up o­n the way to Lava Mountain.

If you haven’t earned a conservation patch or if you have a patch and need a rocker for 2003 now could be the time. We need at least o­ne other club to show up and it is a done deal.

If you need any other information contact me at: Home-458-9577,Work 442-7749.

By FUN4X4 , 2 September, 2003

Frontiers advertised conservation project for the LeadVille trail will happen Sept 6th. The project will be o­n Saturday leaving WhiteHouse camp ground (North of Butte) at 10 PM.

For those who want to camp (WhiteHouse camp ground) we will probably take some short trips Saturday night and or Sunday morning.

We will be doing some light brushing of the trail and surveying future erosion work that needs to be done to keep the trail in good shape.

With current fire danger we will need to be very careful. We are still under stage 2 restrictions, no camp fires, no chain saws after 1 PM, smoking in vehicles o­nly etc.

We could still cancel this project with short notice so please stay in touch with Frontier.
Call 406-458-9755 , 406-442-7749 or E-mail for directions of more information.

By tsm1 , 2 April, 2003

Just a reminder, the club meeting is tonight.

Change of venue for this month - 7pm at the Helena High Cafeteria on Montana, across from Smith's.

We should be back to Mountain West next month..

Our thanks to Allison for arranging the meeting location.

By tsm1 , 4 March, 2003

Due to a scheduling conflict at Mountain West, we had to change our meeting location this month (and next).

The meeting will be Wed, March 5th, at the Helena High Library, and we'll try to get started at 6:30 since we have a guest from the Forest Service.

For those that didn't have the extreme priviledge of attending HHS, it's on Montana Avenue, across the street from the Smiths Grocery Store.


By MichelleD , 18 February, 2003

_TPGreetings from Region 5.

We'd like to thank everyone for helping make the M4x4A Winter Baja 2003 a success. We had some racers, some spectators, and an overabundance of snow.

The race results are:

By MichelleD , 16 January, 2003

_TPHappy New Year M4X4A!

We had a large turnout for our annual Christmas Tree run on December 7th. Many thanks to Dennis LaTulip and Loretta Kelly for providing yummy chili and to everyone else who graciously shared their treats. Our Christmas party on December 13th was also a huge success. Thanks to the Burnside's for opening up their home for the party and to Dennis LaTulip for cooking the meat. Great food, conversation and laughter.

(Pictures - Tree Run and Christmas Party)

By tsm1 , 9 January, 2003

We'll be taking a run to Tizer Lake on Sunday, 1/12. Meeting at County Market at 9am, then heading south to Tizer.

Doug Misko ( is trail boss.

Let Doug know if you're planning to attend.