
Frontier Fourwheelers Announcements

By tsm1 , 14 February, 2002

P.O. BOX 4715

Our membership needs to grow if we are going to have the numbers to fight the
long battle to keep trails open for all of us now and for future generations.

We have already lost many trail opportunities.

The agencies need to hear
from each and everyone of us as they truly believe that we are a minority.

The Montana Wilderness Association is touting surveys showing that motorized
trail riders only account for 10% of back-country trail users. Therefore,
they reason, motorized trail use should not be a legitimate form of back
country recreation "IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH".

By tsm1 , 6 February, 2002

Frontier will be having our trail ride on SUNDAY, February 24th. Meet at County Market at 9am in Helena (Montana and Custer Ave).

Dunno where we're going yet, but we'll know when we get there.

Bring your shovels and tow-hooks, and a CB is highly recommended.

Also - I could use help this Saturday (2/6) drywalling my garage..


By tsm1 , 17 December, 2001

Frontier had our annual Christmas Tree Run on December 1st. We had a pretty good turnout. The weather wasn't as cold as it usually is, but it was cold enough to keep it fun.

Kathy, Loretta, and Jerry brought fabulous chili and stew for everyone to feast on..

I'm pretty sure everyone managed to fill their tags. Another successful harvest!

By tsm1 , 17 December, 2001

Frontier Fourwheelers had our annual Christmas Party at members Rich and Carrie Burnside's home on December 16th. Many thanks to Rich and Carrie for letting us take over their home.

By tsm1 , 7 December, 2001

_TPTrail Ride on Saturday, January 26th. We'll meet at 9am at County Market at the corner of Montana and Custer Ave. See the link below for a map.

There's a Cenex station for fuel, County Market for lunch, and McDonald's for breakfast all within walking distance.

As usual, prepare for snow and bring a few dollar bills for the winch-fund! Tow-hooks required.

Please let me know if you plan on attending. We haven't decided where we're going to find fun yet, but we'll know when we get there and we're taking suggestions.



By tsm1 , 15 November, 2001

Frontier will be having our annual Christmas Tree run on Saturday, December 1st.

Meet at County Market at 9am, or the Bernice exist south of Boulder by 9:45.

Please RSVP - Chili will be provided, so please bring something to share.
