ATTN: Convention Goers - UPDATED MAP

To those attending 2006 Convention in Billings:

The Map printed in the Forum isn't an acurate description of the directions to get to the Elks Lodge on Lewis Ave. If you're unfamiliar with Billings, the map will most certainly get you lost. Here is a more detailed map with the directions from the "South Billings Blvd" interstate Exit #447 to the elks lodge - the path is highlighted in Purple.

Click Here for Map

Hope to see you there!

"Jefferson River Watershed Council" against use

Action Alert

A new group that have called themselves the "Jefferson River Watershed Council" (JRWC) Have formed and are on a mission to secure the lower Jefferson and other watersheds for no use. We must work together to insure that this group is put into its proper place before it grows.

The first JRWC planning meeting will be Weds, April 5th at the Whitehall High School in the Commons Room at 7:00 p.m. Everyone should attend!

Tim Ravndal
Montana Multiple Use Association


DR06 Registrations in the mail this week 1-23-06

Thanks to the effort of our editor, Stacey Osborne, the DR06 registrations are in the mail this week. Extra forms will be available at the delegates meeting Jan,28. Forms are also available Online Now ....

For information or registration please contact this years chairman Dick Riebe , at or call at 406-549-3842. Costs have been held to the same as last year in an attempt to show our appreciation to all participants.

Four Wheeling For Fun, Dick Riebe