By Forplay4x4 , 21 February, 2002

To All:
Here is the BlueRibbon Coalition press release on the Eldorado National Forest (Rubicon, Rock Creek, and many other trails) lawsuit.
Friends of the Rubicon is in the game!  Many other groups will be part of this, but for now, both BRC and Cal4wheel (CA4WDC) have set up legal funds to handle donations to the fight.  I'm in this one for the duration. 

We need you to round up support as best you can.  Tell folks this is the way to help (contributing to the Legal Action Fund), even for folks who live where travel to the Rubicon is still a dream.  Let's keep that dream alive.

Let me know if you have any questions.  Remember that FOTR is merely an informal coalition of interested folks.  So we are not a write off (for money sent to Albright Enterprises for FOTR).  You're better off right now sending money to BRC Legal Action Fund (or the Cal4 fund if you're a member and want to contribute there).

I'm very optimistic that we're going to make history with this one.
Thanks for all your support and help,
Trail Boss, Friends of the Rubicon
BlueRibbon Coalition Ambassador

By tsm1 , 15 February, 2002

Hello Everyone!

Attached is Region 5's RVP report.

By tsm1 , 14 February, 2002

P.O. BOX 4715

Our membership needs to grow if we are going to have the numbers to fight the
long battle to keep trails open for all of us now and for future generations.

We have already lost many trail opportunities.

The agencies need to hear
from each and everyone of us as they truly believe that we are a minority.

The Montana Wilderness Association is touting surveys showing that motorized
trail riders only account for 10% of back-country trail users. Therefore,
they reason, motorized trail use should not be a legitimate form of back
country recreation "IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH".

By tsm1 , 6 February, 2002

Frontier will be having our trail ride on SUNDAY, February 24th. Meet at County Market at 9am in Helena (Montana and Custer Ave).

Dunno where we're going yet, but we'll know when we get there.

Bring your shovels and tow-hooks, and a CB is highly recommended.

Also - I could use help this Saturday (2/6) drywalling my garage..


By Forplay4x4 , 31 January, 2002

Following is an update on the potential to designate another national monument in Utah. Please take just a few minutes to read the fantastic work that USAAll is doing and then please call President Bush as Brian asks. All the instructions you need are toward the end of the message, including the phone number and what to say.
This could have a direct impact in our state, on our trails, because if this monument designation progresses the way that the Governor of Utah indicated it would, our Governor may take the same approach, depriving you of your voice in managing your favorite spots and favorite trails.

Thanks again for the time you spend helping the sport!

By Forplay4x4 , 30 January, 2002

Below is an alert from Utah Shared Access Alliance regarding the establishment of another National Monument in Utah.  You don't have to take any action at the moment except to hit the forward button on your e-mail to get this information out and take just a few minutes to read the alert.

One of my concerns after reading Brian Hawthorne's alert is that if this National Monument is declared we can look for this to be a model for other states to use, particularly those states with Democratic Governors whose party platforms are traditionally environmentalist supported.

Thank you for taking the time to stay informed and helping to pass on this valuable information.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

By tsm1 , 23 January, 2002

From JoeRoss:

I've been around M4X4A meetings for nine years now. I have been hearing pretty much the same story all the time from Don and Steve. I've seen them well disgusted by the lack of written support from the membership on a veriety of land use issues.

I'm guilty.

Some of the talk, names, and bill numbers go by fast and over the head.

I've also heard at out local level "you write it and I'll sign it"


You know, we can do that!

Some of you saw what I did at the last delegates meeting with a letter to senators Burns and Baucus. I had requests for copies for other clubs' members to sign.

I decided to build letter heads for each state club, and with other things I set up it would be a snap to customize a letter for each club.

I don't have the time to follow the issues but if any of you will write the text and get it to me we can have comments to any legislator or forester from each club. E-mail would be really nice for me. Then I can just plug it in the right place, but I'll surely help get the word out.

This is the cover that will go out with each:

It seems that we continue to lose rights and access to our trails. It’s time for us to

Speak a little louder.

By Bill , 14 January, 2002

Trail Ride planned for the 27th of Jan.
Meeting in Laurel at Jans 0800.
Leaving at 0830.
Tentative snow run in the priors.

By Forplay4x4 , 14 January, 2002

Hello everyone.  Below is a survey that I have been asked to forward to ourmembership.  I am doing so through our delegates.  The person who created this survey is trying to open an OHV park in the East, probably in WV or MD.
Even if you don't reside in the east he would like to hear from you.  He will use this information for statistical purposes in convincing localgovernments or investors of the future of this park.