By Forplay4x4 , 14 January, 2002

 The notice is for a timber salvage project.  But if you read down under the Supplemental Information in the 5th paragraph you will see that this project also includes Grizzly habitat security measures that propose to close 22 miles of open roads and decommission an additional 57 miles of roads.
If you need any help participating in this project please let me know.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

By JoeRoss , 14 January, 2002

It looks like all enjoyed the holidays!

So with that announcement, LET’S GO PLAY SOME UP IN THE HILLS!

Looks like we will be going to Lake Mary Ronan, on Jan. 20, 2002. We will meet at the Horseshoe at 9:30A.M.

As we travel north, we will pick up anyone that is going with us for the day. Of course there is a stay warm tailgate potluck planned. Taco soup is on the menu, so bring something to go with it. Also there is going to be, hot cocoa and hot apple cider, to help warm you up. If in question of what to bring call Jan 8833446 or Mickie 6763268, maybe we can give you an idea.

One thing not to forget is the sleds! Hopefully, we will find some snow. So let’s have some fun!

At our meeting, we have discussed the proposal, for State Convention to be held over again. Rob, has gathered up all the information for the proposal, and it will be presented at the Delegates meeting, in Helena on Jan. 19.

So here is hoping the Skyliner’s can get the east to meet the west!!

We would like to say WELCOME to , two new members, Curtis Ward and Stephanie St. Clair.

Just a note of thanks, to the Brown family for the wonderful place to have a Christmas party. It was sure nice to see a lot of people there. It was a good time and fine eating, thanks so much.

Lost but not forgotten, is the Birthdays for January. We have Joe Ross and Stephanie St. Clair.


Do hope to see you trail riding this next weekend!!! So long for now.

Thanks, Mickie

By Forplay4x4 , 14 January, 2002

The following was passed to the United delegates.
I thought that you as members should have the chance to comment to me be for I respond.
Send you thoughs to me at

Thanks for your help

Jim Anderson


By FUN4X4 , 14 January, 2002

Tim was nominated, by The Montana 4x4 Association, to represent Four Wheel Driving in Montana as a voting member of the Recreational Trails Committee last year.

Bob Walker of Fish Wildlife & Parks just called Don Gordon to inform the Association that his nomination was acepted by the Director of FWP. This makes it offical Tim, you have the job. Congratulations!

By tsm1 , 9 January, 2002

From Don Gordon:

I received a call from Beau of ARCA tonight.

He wanted to know if anyone in the M4X4a would want to promot a ARCA event in this area. There could be interest in the association.

I don't know anything about these types of events. I did spend a few minutes on their web site( and can see were it could be fun.

His phone number is 801-288-2574 or E-mail


Anyone even know of somewhere this could be held?


By tsm1 , 7 January, 2002

It's that time of year - the next Forum will be out the beginning of February - and the deadline for this first Forum of 2002 is January 15th

So Delegates - RVP's - Officers - or any other interested submitter - get your articles or photos into Stacey by January 15th! You have NINE DAYS!!


Stacey Osborne, Editor

Snail Mail: 500 Lois Place, Laurel, MT 59044
Fax: 406-628-8971

By GwenOsborne , 26 December, 2001

Delegates Meeting on January 19th in Helena.
At the VFW hall in East Helena.
Hope to see you there.

By tsm1 , 19 December, 2001

A bill (S. 1766), authored by Senators Daschle (D-SD) and Bingaman (D-NM),
has been introduced in the U.S. Senate containing a provision (Section 803)
that would federally fund state scrappage programs for vehicles over 15 years
old. Owners who turn in vehicles for crushing would receive a “minimal”
payment and a future credit toward purchasing a newer vehicle, all in a
misguided attempt to improve the overall fuel economy of the country’s
vehicle fleet. This bill represents the most formidable Federal legislative
threat to the vehicle hobby in many years.

By tsm1 , 18 December, 2001

Frontier member Jay Helfrich of Butte passed this along:

There will be a tough truck and mud bog at the Butte Civic center on the 12th of January. The word is that it will be the same people that do the Monster Truck show in the summer. I will probably race the Scout (mud and tough) and the chevy(mud) at the show.

By tsm1 , 17 December, 2001

Frontier had our annual Christmas Tree Run on December 1st. We had a pretty good turnout. The weather wasn't as cold as it usually is, but it was cold enough to keep it fun.

Kathy, Loretta, and Jerry brought fabulous chili and stew for everyone to feast on..

I'm pretty sure everyone managed to fill their tags. Another successful harvest!