By stevec , 7 January, 2008

Information for the February 2008 4XForum is needed

To all M4X4A members.

I am currently working on the next edition for the 4XForum. If you or your club would like to see anything put in please let me know no later than January 15th 2008.

It is very important that this deadline be met. Anything arriving after the 15th will not make it into the Forum.

Send information to with the subject line "4XForum".

By tsm1 , 14 November, 2007

The clock is ticking. There will be no comment extension on this one.

The Draft Resource Management Plan (DRMP) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Utah Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Moab Field Office has been released for public review and comment.

In addition to a new RMP, Moab BLM will be formulating a Travel Plan for motorized vehicles and mountain bikes. Travel will be limited to designated roads, trails and areas.

The BLM has set a deadline of November 30, 2007, for receiving information and comments pertaining to the Alternatives and the analysis presented in the DEIS. Feedback regarding the four proposed alternatives will be used to formulate a Proposed Resource Management Plan, and ultimately, a Final Resource Management Plan and Travel Plan.

Comments and other information may be submitted electronically at:

Comments and other information may also be submitted by mail to:
Moab Field Office RMP Comments
Bureau of Land Management
Moab Field Office
82 East Dogwood
Moab, UT 84532

Read on for more details on what to comment on and how..

By stevec , 25 October, 2007

4XForum for November 2007 will be late!

By RCURRIER , 15 October, 2007

Please pass on to any and all Residents that believe in Balanced Use of our Public Lands -

We're trying to get folks to sign on in opposition to the bill we talked about the other day. Just have folks click on the link below and fill out the form on there. After that, Denny is going to print all of these forms and present them to the committee next week to show MontanaÂ’s opposition to the bill.

By tsm1 , 14 September, 2007

Dennis Lietzow (a Deerlodge Native) agreed to lead our September trail ride.

We're headed into the Deerlodge area - Dennis has one of three drainages in mind.. Mountain Ben, Bowman Lakes, or a third one I don't remember.

We'll be leaving Helena at 7am at Murdoch's to get into Deerlodge at 8am, meeting at the old 4Bs just off the Interstate.

Butte folks could meet up at the Racetrack Exit at 8:30 if they wanted to.

There's room for trailers at the 4B's if anyone wants to tow their rig.

CB Channel 4, of course.



Bohn Lake