By tsm1 , 27 March, 2007

Hearing for HB 305, This bill would limit the liability for operators providing venues for OHV activities. It is patterned after the limited liability now in existence for ski areas and equestrian providers/operators. At present time, insurance policies for an OHV operations like parks or ATV rental is not available in Montana from any insurance company. This bill would limit to the liability for providers of OHV opportunities, whether they charge a fee or not, so the insurance companies will consider providing policies for such operations.

The bill would also provide additional protection to private property owners who might be interested in letting OHV riders ride on their lands free of charge. Many large land owners limit access to their lands because of liability concerns and this bill would provide them additional protection from liability under state law. With the continual closure of public lands for OHV activities, an important part of the future of OHV recreation may just depend on private land owners and operators to provide a place to ride.

By donaldapker , 22 March, 2007

Continental Four Wheel Drive Association
Butte's own four wheel drive club
A trail ride is planned up Pipestone into Hay Canyon on Saturday March 24 th. With this warm weather we should hit mud, snow, rocks and a water crossing or two. This trail has a trail rating of three and its got a little bit of everything. We will meet in Butte at Oasis Casino 9:00 am for breakfast and leave by 10:00 am.
This trail is a little tight for full size trucks but your jeep type of vehicle should have no problems. Be sure you and your rig are trail ready.
For more information contact
Don Apker

By K.G. , 1 March, 2007

The Winter Baja Has been reset for March 17, St Patty's Day. So if the weather lets us we will run for some green$$ Tect starts at 10am race at Noon. race fee $40 ATV's welcome. $5 at the gate. Coolers welcome The Boys & Girls club will be there with Hot eats as well. Cash pay back for 1st 2nd and 3rd place in all classes. For more info or ??? call 965-3337 or 467 2686