
Magic City Fourwheelers Announcements

By mh , 5 January, 2006

The Magic City 4 Wheelers invite you to join us on a Trail Ride to the Snowy Mountains area on Sunday the 29th after the meeting. Contact any Magic City 4 Wheeler member for more information, or meet in Broadview (Just north of Billings) at 7:30am, depart for the trail at 8am.

By mh , 14 November, 2005

Christmas Tree/Chili Run, Sunday December 4th, Laurel burger king at 7:30, to the Pryors. Get your tree permit at Custer National Service building in the Heights.

By mh , 4 November, 2005

All ATV and Trail bike riders, 4x4 users, hunters, prospectors, Back Country horsemen, snowmobilers, all other motorized users,
If you ride or want to ride the Little Belts Mountains, Castle Mountains or
Crazy Mountains, you need to come to this meeting.